Course detail
Automation Java Foundation
Course overview
Automation Java Foundation course, This course was designed as a follow on from my Basic Programming course and both are prerequisite to Selenium WebDriver, it can be defined as a collection of objects that communicate via invoking each other's methods. Let us now briefly look into what do class, object, methods, and instance variables mean.
Course Syllabus
- Using Eclipse
- Downloading and Installing
- Opening projects
- Building projects
- Windows
- Running a Test
- Debugging
- Basics of Java Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing Output
- Learn the basics of Selenium Webdriver
- Basics of HTML, CSS and XPath
- Locators - By Id, By Name, By Link Text, By Partial Link Text, By Class, CSS Selectors and XPath Expressions
- Setting and Reading values from Form Elements - Text, TextArea, CheckBox , Radio Button, Select Box
- Selenium Automation Testing Scenarios
- Sleep, Implicit Wait and Explicit Waits
- Alert Boxes, Window Handles
- New Browser Window Launches, Frames,
- Taking Screenshots, Executing JavaScript Code
- Actions Interface to control mouse and keyboard
- Set up Automation Frameworks
- Important Interfaces - WebDriver
- Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.
Java Basics
- Java Syntax
- Using Libraries
- Classes And Objects In Java
- Types And Objects In Java
- Variables, Fields and Properties in Java
- Methods in Java
- Code Comments in Java
Course Duration
3 Days ( Total Duration: 18 Hours )